There are a few different ways to price your classes and to get paid.
Way to Price Your Class
1. Offer your class for FREE. We recommend doing this at the beginning and occasionally throughout your teaching. This helps introduce your work and build your audience. You can set classes up on your own, or take part in one of our regular symposiums (see more on symposiums here).
2. Offer your class at a price. The price is up to you, however; we recommend starting at an enticing price and increasing based on results and feedback.
You can offer your priced class at a discount by:
a. creating discount codes and sharing them with users
b. offering them to LiL+ members for free or at a lower rate (see how to do that here)
3. Offer your class as a sponsored "LiL+ Session" or "LiL+ Moment". These classes must be booked in advance and are set up by our team (see more on Sponsored LiL+ Programing here)
Ways to Get Paid
1. Receive 85% of any individual payments (see more on individual class payments here)
2. Receive a LiL+ Membership split (see more on how that's calculated here)
3. Get sponsored for LiL+ Sessions and Moments (see more on Sponsored LiL+ Programing here)
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