As a moderator, you are able to promote or demote other viewers' role status in the live meeting or remove a user from the meeting.
If a user has entered as a viewer, you can promote their role to moderator role or demote a user from moderator to viewer role.
Moderators appear in the users' list with a Square [1] avatar icon while Viewers appear in the users' list with a Circular [2] avatar icon
Use cases for promoting a viewer to a moderator include:
- Upgrading a guest speaker entering the session to the moderator role enables more control over the session to the speaker.
- Upgrading a moderator who was mistakenly assigned the viewer role.
Use cases for demoting a moderator include:
- Demote a moderator who was mistakenly assigned the role.
- Demote moderators to reduce the number of users who have unlimited access to the session.
Promoting to Moderator
To promote a viewer to a moderator, select their avatar in the users' list and choose promote to moderator.
The viewer avatar should change shapes from a circle to a square to indicate they now have moderator status.
Demoting to Viewer
To demote a moderator to a viewer, select their avatar in the users' list and choose demote to viewer.
The moderator avatar should change shapes from a square to a circle to indicate they are now a viewer.
Removing a User
To kick a user from the session, select their avatar in the users list and choose Remove user.
Removal persists for the duration of the session. Specifically,
- If you remove a phone user, they are not able to dial back into the session from the same phone.
- If you remove a regular user, they are not able to rejoin the session in a similar manner.
If you choose 'Prevent this user from rejoining the session' they will not be able to rejoin for the duration of the current session.
Again, the removal is only for the current session. A removed user can still join other sessions or the same session again if restarted at a later time.
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