1 | Use Chrome as your browser on desktop for the best experience. Safari is only recommended for iPhone or iPad use |
2 | Users are automatically muted upon entering. They can unmute themselves or you can unmute them by clicking on their name and selecting that option. |
3 | Make sure to watch the virtual classroom tutorial before instructing a class: https://vimeo.com/354686721 |
4 | If someone unmutes themselves in class, and you don't want them off mute, click on their name and choose "Mute User". |
5 | If someone keeps coming onto the microphone (or video) choose "Lock Viewers" and select Microphone, Video, Chat, etc. |
6 | If you have issues uploading your slides, save it as a PDF and re-upload it. (Also, use Chrome!) |
7 | If that doesn't work, you can export as "Images" and upload those as slides. Or, as a last solution, share your screen to show the slides from your desktop. |
8 | Only moderator/instructor webcams are recorded by default. This is a privacy setting. If you want someone to show up on the recording who entered the room as a student, you need to make them a moderator by clicking on their name and elevating their status. Or, go to "Advanced Classroom Options" when you create the class to turn on "Record All Webcams" |
9 | Launch a practice session beforehand (click on profile pic, then on manage classes) or even create a test session. You can do this by creating a class and setting it to private. That way you can see its recording afterward. A practice session does not record. |
10 | Youtube or Vimeo videos or other content shared via "Share External Media" are NOT recorded and WILL NOT be in the recording (copyright and technical reasons), so share the link in the chat when you share the video so users can watch on their own. If you need it to be in the recording you have to share it with "Screen Sharing" (there will be no sound, though this capability is expected by fall 2021) |
11 | Start the recording at the beginning of the session. Stop the recording at the end of the session. |
12 | Interact as much as you can with participants using chat, the whiteboard, polls, etc.. Don't worry if you have a group that is reticent to interact though, it can happen! Just move on. |
13 | For instructors or students calling into the conference line, the *(asterisk) button on your phone is to mute/unmute yourself |
14 | Always try to enter your session at least 10 minutes beforehand. It's better to be prepared than for something to happen and need to rush! |
15 | If students want to take part on the mic, you can have them raise their hand or write in the chat box, so you can then unmute them. |
16 | Do not touch upload slides to the whiteboard if you want your webcam to be recorded as a full-screen video. If you want to toggle back and forth from full screen webcam to slides for the recording, use desktop sharing rather than uploading slides |
17 | For optimal audio quality, use a headset, especially important if you are far from your computer microphone |
18 | Recommended internet speed for streaming live webcams is >5mb/s and ideally >10mb/s. Try to be as close to the router as possible or connect with a hard cable |
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