Make the presentation area fullscreen
You can make the presentation area fullscreen by clicking the three dots in the upper right-hand corner and selecting Fullscreen Application. To exit fullscreen press the escape key.
Minimize/Maximize the presentation area
You can minimize and maximize the presentation area by clicking the presentation icon in the bottom right.
Hide/Unhide the user list, public chat, shared notes
You can hide/unhide the user list. public chat, shared notes, and any other panel that opens on the left-hand side of the window, by pressing the icon or panel title.
Change the webcam location
The webcam location can be changed by clicking and dragging them to a new position (top, bottom, left, right, or to the bottom of the shared notes).
Change the screen layout
To change the layout of the screen select the actions menu by pressing the (+) button and then select Layout Settings Modal.
You will be presented with 4 options, Custom, Smart layout, Focus on presentation, and Focus on video.
The custom layout will allow you to drag the webcams to the top, bottom, and either side of the screen.
The smart layout will select will display the webcams at the top of the screen with the presentation area being directly below them.
Focus on presentation will use the entire main screen for presentations and display webcams at the bottom of the Public Chat window.
Focus on video will use the entire main screen for webcams and display the presentation at the bottom of the Public Chat window.
How can I push my layout to everyone?
You can propagate your layout to all participants. To do this select the actions menu by pressing the (+) button and then select Propagate layout
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