Student webcam video, by default, will not be displayed in the class recordings. There are several reasons for this:
- Privacy
- The instructor's video is generally the most critical focal point for any recorded session
- Consistency and quality of the product a user receives in the recording. EG. if they purchase a yoga or cooking class and there are 5 people on the camera, and the instructor is in a small video box, it is not an effective class recording
On certain occasions you may want someone that enters with student privileges to be on video in the recording. Guest speakers, panelists, one-on-one private sessions, etc..
There are three different ways to have the second instructor's video show up in the recording:
- Have them register for an instructor account
- If they enter as a learner or participant, you can make them a moderator in the class by clicking on their name and selecting that option. It's important to note that students need to be upgraded to moderators BEFORE they turn on their video.
- Change the classroom settings on your account through Edit Class > Advanced Classroom Settings to "Record all webcams"
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