We provide all of the resources you need to get your programs, profile, and platform running. We're also here to help with basic questions and issues on the LiL platform.
We understand that there are all different levels of comfort with technology, and if you feel you need "extra" help we can facilitate different options to suit your needs. Note, we do not profit off of this at Learn It Live, we either recommend external consultants or cover internal consultant costs.
- First and foremost, if you have an admin or someone close to you and your business that is "technology fluent" we recommend you get them involved as it can be extremely helpful to have someone close who can work with you on your setup.
- Basic "white glove" support consists of a private consultation to understand your needs and will walk you through the initial setup and facilitation of your programs. They can be on your first classes and make suggestions for optimizing your delivery, equipment, etc..
- General cost is $60/hour so expect to spend $120-$300
- Complete "white glove" package includes everything under the "basic" plan but is also someone who can help you create your courses, set up and tweak your equipment setup, moderate your initial sessions, provide your students immediate responses for the initial sessions...essentially it's someone you bring onto your team for launch to perfect your virtual programs
- Starts at a $1000 package but could be more depending on the intensity of your program. The consultant would give you an idea of cost.
Contact us at support@learnitlive.com with an email subject "I'm Interested in White-Glove Support" and let us know your basic interest in extra support.
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